Zeus' main attribute is the
Thunderbolt, which he received from the Cyclopes. The Eagle is
Zeus' bird, and sometimes the woodpecker is associated with him.
His sacred tree is the Oak.

The Aegis, usually a goat skin,
is an attribute of both Athena and Zeus. Athena's Aegis is
surrounded by Fear, Strife, Force and Pursuit or sometimes by
snakes, and in the center there is the Gorgon Medusa's head.
The Owl is Athena's bird, but sometimes she has been depicted
with a Rooster on her helmet and it has been assumed that the
Rooster might have been considered as sacred to her. Others say
that the Rooster is sacred to Helios (Sun) and proclaims when he
is about to rise. The Olive Tree is also sacred, it was her gift
to Athens.
The Trident, which he received
from the Cyclopes as reward for their being freed from Tartarus,
is Poseidon's best known attribute.
Poseidon is closely associated to Horses, which were first tamed
by him and presented as a gift to humans, and he also carries an
association to Bulls. Poseidon is often depicted with a Dolphin,
which allegedly helped him attain Amphitrite as his wife.

Demeter has been represented
holding sheaves of Corn and Grain, Poppies and Snakes. She is
also shown riding a chariot, often pulled by dragons. Sometimes
she is portrayed as holding torches, which represents her
arduous quest for her kidnapped daughter Persephone.

Hades is known to own a Helmet
which makes him invisible and it's his most prized possession.
His symbol is also his two-pronged spear, which he used as a
weapon much like Poseidon did his trident, and his three headed
dog named Cerberus, who guarded the entrance to the Underworld.

The Peacock was the bird sacred
to Hera. The Pomegranate also has appeared as an attribute of
Hera, perhaps in her role as an ancient Death-goddess. The
Cuckoo is also a bird sacred to Hera because when Zeus was in
love with Hera he changed himself into a Cuckoo. She has also
been associated with the Cow and the Lion.

The Rose and the Myrtle are
sacred to Aphrodite and said to be connected with the story of
Adonis. The Dove and Sparrow are Aphrodite's birds, as well as
the swans, which pulled her chariot. Since ancient times
Aphrodite has been depicted as coming out from a Shell.
Aphrodite is often seen holding an Apple, the prize of beauty
she won in the Judgment of Paris. Her magical golden girdle,
crafted by husband Hephaestus, would drive any man wild with
Symbols and Attributes continues on
page two
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Olympian gods

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